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Sports day causes friendly competition in Camden

Young people and staff from St Christopher’s 16+ services in North London united to organise a sports day in the park.

Competitors from across our homes in Camden participated in a tug-of-war, rounders, football rounders, a three-legged race and more. It was a brilliant opportunity for young people to do something positive and take part in a sport.

Some young people would like to do more sport but feel anxious about joining a team or a club. This day was a great way to boost their confidence and help them decide if they are ready to commit to a sport.

Some of the athletes were challenged to come out of their comfort zone and try something new, but thanks to encouragement from their peers they managed to overcome their fears and enjoy the event.

Young people would like it to be a more regular event and the boys want a tug-of-war rematch, so staff are planning to hold a sports day again in the future.

Support Worker Tashoya Aird said: “It was a fantastic opportunity for staff and young people to let loose and bond with others from the different 16+ services. Everyone demonstrated their teamwork and sporting abilities on the day by keeping focused on the fun and competing fairly.”